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Frequently Asked Questions
What 3D printer do you recommend for printing polymer clay cutters?
We LOVE Bambu's A1 mini for printing polymer clay cutters. It's small enough that it's not going to take up too much precious crafting space, but big enough for 99% of the clay tools you'd want to print. It's also budget friendly, easy to use, and easy to set up! We've got members printing cutters within an hour of unboxing!
Do I need to take the Beginner Clay Cutter Course before the Fusion 360 Courses?
If you're fairly proficient in 3D printing, no, you do not need to take the beginner course first. However if you know nothing or very little about 3D printing we recommend taking that course first because the Fusion 360 courses do not cover 3D printing in ways a beginner needs to get started.
Where can I learn how to make clay cutters with .2 mm blades and intricate designs?
Our Fusion 360 Clay Cutters Course is PERFECT for that! Just find the "Courses" tab above to find it.
I want to learn to host/instruct clay parties and workshops, can you help with that?
Yes! Catherine is a clay party/workshop expert and has developed a handful of courses, resources, and more just for polymer clay earring artists ready to take the next, better step in their polymer clay business journey. (NO MORE HIT-OR-MISS VENDOR MARKETS!) Head to our "Freebies" section above to grab our free clay party checklist and get started!
Where do I sign up for the courses?
If you haven't bought a course yet but would like to check them out you can find them in our "Courses" section in the navigation menu. If you've bought a course and you're wondering how you get signed in, check your email and/or click the section "CCB Portal" in the navigation menu and sign in there! Happy learning!
I heard you have free resources, where can I find those?
In our "Freebies" section in the navigation menu above! Come back often to check it out because we're always adding more resources. Check out our blog for helpful information and resources there as well!
What filament do you recommend for polymer clay cutters?
We recommend Overture PLA+ (Alex's Favorite), Esun PLA+ (Catherine's Favorite), and if you're not selling Bambu Basic works great too! While we tested our filaments quite a bit when we started there's been so many new ones added to the market so don't just take our word for it! Be sure to check reviews, deals, and support groups for more recommendations!